Interesting Links for 17-11-2021

Nov 17, 2021 12:00

Racism Is Institutional In British Cricket(tags:UK cricket racism OhForFucksSake )Supersaurus: Scientists realise dinosaur might have been the longest ever after fixing fossil mix-up(tags:dinosaurs )Chile wants to export solar energy to Asia via 15,000km submarine cable (losses would be just under 50%)(tags:solarpower chile Asia ) Joanna Cherry's popularity is not going up(tags:LGBT SNP transgender politics Scotland )England’s austerity-hit courts losing days of work to collapsing ceilings, broken lift and arctic conditions(tags:justice UK OhForFucksSake )There is currently no way to drive between Vancouver and the rest of Canada(tags:Canada transport roads weather ) Remarkably accurate neurosurgery residency interview(tags:medicine USA surgery doctors funny satire video interview )Activision CEO Bobby Kotick told an employee he would have her killed. He kept an exec from being fired after a sexual harassment claim. He didn't tell his board of alleged rapes and other misconduct.(tags:games rape abuse misogyny OhForFucksSake )John Carmack on Steve Jobs(tags:Doom games Apple stevejobs johncarmack history computers graphics opengl )Amazon to stop accepting Visa credit cards issued in UK(tags:UK Amazon visa credit wtf )The students losing thousands in an Edinburgh rental scam(tags:edinburgh property fraud )‘Clear risk’ UK joining Pacific trade deal will raise drug prices for NHS(tags:uk nhs trade )The FTC is moving to end “click to subscribe, call to cancel”(tags:business usa )Netflix has started publishing its top 10 watched movies and TV shows(tags:netflix ) Dogs! Being! Kissed!(tags:dogs behaviour ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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