Interesting Links for 02-06-2021

Jun 02, 2021 12:00

'My landlord wants six months' rent upfront'(tags:rent uk )China allows couples to have three children(tags:china children )The first complete sequence of a human genome(tags:genetics )Eighteen million trees to be planted around Glasgow(tags:trees glasgow scotland ) A swimming pool. In the air. Between two skyscrapers.(tags:swimming architecture UK )Ever wondered what it looks like to crash into an erupting volcano?(tags:volcano video drone )Europe to US: Pass new laws if you want a data-transfer deal (also impacts the deal with the UK)(tags:europe dataprotection usa uk )Swiss abandon years of EU talks and reject treaty(tags:Switzerland europe trade )Covid in Scotland: Army brought in to help Lothian vaccine rollout(tags:pandemic vaccination edinburgh scotland army )Belarus has temporarily banned most of its citizens from leaving(tags:Belarus dictators immigration )One-Fifth of U.S. Beef Capacity Wiped Out by JBS Cyberattack(tags:security cows meat ) Graph of average age versus vaccination percentage for UK council areas(tags:graph vaccination UK age cities pandemic )Clown-face privilege(tags:privilege video gender abuse viaSwampers )Woman tries to look after her mental health by not doing non-core part of her job, employer is a dick about it(tags:mentalhealth anxiety depression sports tennis OhForFucksSake )The Edinburgh city dwellers who want a more tribal way of living(tags:Scotland Edinburgh housing viaJane ) David O Russell is not a good person to work with(tags:work bullying movies )NordLink joins Norway and Germany's electrical grids(tags:norway germany electricity viaDanielDWilliam )Nautilus - the best sounding, most visually striking speaker of all time(tags:speakers sound Technology ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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