Interesting Links for 14-05-2021

May 14, 2021 12:00

Janelle Monae Joins Daniel Craig in 'Knives Out' Sequel(tags:movies )Movies Every Physics Student Should Watch(tags:physics movies )NHS tracing app prevented thousands of deaths (and hundreds of thousands of cases)(tags:pandemic nhs apps )It's True. Everyone IS Multitasking on Their Video Calls(tags:multitasking work )Wales elects the world's first elected non-binary mayor(tags:wales gender politics )When Germans Find Out About Tipping in the U.S.(tags:video tips usa funny true )Black homeowner had a white friend stand in for third appraisal. Her home value doubled.(tags:USA racism housing )Native oysters reintroduced into Firth of Clyde(tags:Scotland sea seafood )In a system with lots of small parties, forcing one of them to give up a vote to make someone a presiding officer seems like bad design(tags:politics scotland )That was the County Court Judgment that was - and why everyone is entitled to a civil justice system that works at the speed it worked for Boris Johnson(tags:law UK )Back in the 80s I played computer games - by post. (Fascinating slice of now dead history)(tags:games history mail )Palestinian Family Who Lost Home In Airstrike Takes Comfort In Knowing This All Very Complicated(tags:viaJohnSmith Israel palestine satire )Israel vows not to stop Gaza attacks until there is 'complete quiet'(tags:Israel Palestine war OhForFucksSake )How to criticize Israel without being anti-Semitic(tags:Jews Israel bigotry advice ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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