Interesting Links for 10-05-2021

May 10, 2021 12:00

Here's Britain's beloved royal family selling access to Putin(tags:UK monarchy Russia corruption )Serious questions for the Electoral Commission tonight as inexplicable ruling appears to have robbed the Greens (and thus the pro-independence camp) of two seats they should have won(tags:elections GreenParty Scotland OhForFucksSake names viaDanielDWilliam )Gravity is a double copy of other forces(tags:gravity physics mathematics )Tory 'Blue Wall' in south starting to crumble, claim Liberal Democrats(tags:England politics libdem Conservatives ) Edinburgh ghost tour guide doesn't give a fuck(tags:Edinburgh scary video funny true )Why Did It Take So Long to Accept the Facts About Covid Transmission?(tags:pandemic epicfail who virus history )Freeport firms won't be able to export without paying huge tariffs(tags:trade WTF UK )Three new horror novels which take motherhood and birth as their starting point(tags:motherhood childbirth children horror books viaClare ) Glass walkway in China loses panels in high winds, looks even more terrifying than usual(tags:glass bridge scary China wind )Justice League: Gal Gadot Confirms Threats To Her Career Were Made By Joss Whedon(tags:JossWhedon OhForFucksSake movies )The Animal is tired(tags:age )Buyer sought for £250m hydro scheme at Glenmuckloch(tags:scotland hydroelectric storage electricity )Boris Johnson being investigated over Caribbean holiday and flat renovation(tags:BorisJohnson corruption ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

virus, storage, horror, true, greenparty, hydroelectric, scary, bridge, scotland, who, conservatives, movies, corruption, elections, trade, russia, viaclare, josswhedon, books, edinburgh, glass, children, links, history, ohforfuckssake, gravity, uk, funny, borisjohnson, wtf, epicfail, video, physics, wind, childbirth, motherhood, age, viadanieldwilliam, electricity, england, china, names, pandemic, mathematics, politics, monarchy, libdem

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