Interesting Links for 20-11-2020

Nov 20, 2020 12:00

Meteor breaks up over ocean in incredible footage(tags:meteor Ocean video )Boris Johnson pledges laser guns(tags:lasers wtf military UK BorisJohnson )Nigella Lawson butters her toast twice, and Britain is really angry about it(tags:food funny ) Anyone interested in a script from the recent She-Ra remake?(tags:TV animation scripts writing )FactCheck: Is this a green revolution? (and what do government announcements add up to? l(tags:environment UK government Conservatives )IBM Apologizes For Firing Computer Pioneer For Being Transgender...52 Years Later(tags:IBM computers history LGBT transgender )Internalized gender-focused attitudes affect health, career prospects(tags:gender money health society jobs )I see the Conservatives are turning in to fascists again(tags:OhForFucksSake UK conservatives )On Not Meeting Nazis Halfway(tags:politics society compromise )Here's what happens when some idiot decides to store two tons of sodium in their garage(tags:OhForFucksSake safety UK chemistry )I see Labour's civil war is going swimmingly(tags:labour OhForFucksSake )Covid: Why stricter rules for Glasgow but not for Edinburgh?(tags:Scotland Glasgow Edinburgh pandemic )When AI Sees a Man, It Thinks 'Official.' A Woman? 'Smile'(tags:AI bias )The big dish of Arecibo observatory has reached the end of the line(tags:astronomy history )When women can't get divorced, murder is the alternative(tags:murder women abuse history )Covid in Scotland: When will we be vaccinated?(tags:UK Scotland thefuture vaccine pandemic ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

computers, astronomy, glasgow, ibm, scotland, society, women, thefuture, vaccine, conservatives, transgender, safety, environment, compromise, edinburgh, military, bias, abuse, ocean, links, history, ohforfuckssake, government, uk, chemistry, funny, ai, borisjohnson, wtf, video, labour, murder, jobs, money, tv, lasers, meteor, gender, health, animation, writing, scripts, lgbt, food, pandemic, politics

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