Interesting Links for 12-11-2020

Nov 12, 2020 12:00

"My experience as a poll worker in Pennsylvania"(tags:USA voting )Dwayne Johnson is rebooting The Scorpion King(tags:movies )So, how is the USA managing its Covid-19 response?(tags:USA pandemic epicfail )Our Brains Have Two Distinct "Beauty Centres": One For Art And One For Faces(tags:beauty faces art psychology brain neuroscience )Being More Authentic On Social Media Could Improve Your Wellbeing (I suspect that being more authentic generally would do the trick, hiding who you are is exhausting and stressful)(tags:psychology happiness socialmedia )Boris Johnson picks pro-fracking Tory MP who has campaigned against wind farms as 'climate change champion'(tags:globalwarming conservatives OhForFucksSake )Capital gains tax: Rate should double, says government review(tags:UK tax ) Behold! The most Irish of all films!(tags:Ireland movies satire trailer funny ) A focus group on Trump voters finds out what they really think. (Interesting on defunding the police)
(tags:voting usa )COVID-19 Daily Dashboard for Scotland (broken down by neighborhood)(tags:pandemic Scotland visualisation viaDanielDWilliam )The Polls Weren't Great. But That's Pretty Normal.(tags:polls USA politics ) Good statues of women(tags:women statue )Japanese town deploys Monster Wolf robots to deter bears(tags:robots wolves bears ) How Brexit will make it much much harder for artists and musicians to tour in Europe
(tags:music Europe UK Doom )New project at Oxford University explores the origins of money(tags:money prehistory research )Politics versus policy, and why the approach of Johnson and Cummings to exercising power is going so badly(tags:politics government UK )There is no evidence that suicides have increased 200% under lockdown(tags:suicide pandemic )Will government lockdown shopping loopholes destroy the high street?(tags:shopping UK doom ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

art, music, faces, scotland, women, brain, conservatives, movies, usa, globalwarming, satire, trailer, bears, socialmedia, wolves, statue, research, links, ohforfuckssake, government, beauty, uk, europe, voting, funny, shopping, epicfail, visualisation, money, neuroscience, prehistory, viadanieldwilliam, robots, ireland, psychology, tax, pandemic, polls, suicide, doom, politics, happiness

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