Interesting Links for 08-11-2020

Nov 08, 2020 12:00

Clearly the best version of Tetris(tags:tetris cute video )Evidence that hobbits didn't have daylight saving time(tags:lotr time )America Is (Still) a Conservative Country(tags:politics usa )Voters rejecting the war on drugs is a win for public health(tags:drugs USA legalisation GoodNews )Boris Johnson is ready to address Joe Biden's concerns over Irish border as Government reaches out(tags:UK Europe trade )South Ayrshire Golf club owner loses 2020 presidential election(tags:politics funny Scotland headline )Mass Effect: Legendary Edition brings back the sci-fi trilogy next year(tags:games remake MassEffect )Wolves win vote for reintroduction in Colorado(tags:wolves USA ) I think Boris Johnson might be in trouble...(tags:UK Europe Ireland NorthernIreland USA trade video funny )Government Buys PPE Made by Uyghur Muslims in Chinese Forced Labour Programmes(tags:China UK OhForFucksSake pandemic )Brexit: Liz Truss secures tariff wins with her Japan trade deal - for products the UK doesn't export (and 83% of gains will go to Japan)(tags:trade UK Japan OhForFucksSake )Last year Florida gutted a law which would have given an extra million voters to the Democrats(tags:florida law voting crime OhForFucksSake ) Biden and Harris do not like Boris Johnson(tags:GoodNews USA UK politics )Boris Johnson under pressure to avoid no-deal Brexit after Biden victory (and some details about how the negotiations are going)(tags:UK Europe USA trade )Kamala Harris's Record on Trans Rights Isn't "Mixed".(tags:USA transgender lgbt rights politics )Decorators Review Farrow and Ball Emulsion(tags:painting review viaDalglir ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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