Interesting Links for 24-09-2020

Sep 24, 2020 12:00

Why Netflix Keeps Canceling Shows After Just 2 Seasons(tags:TV business Netflix )I am delighted to live in a country where police use of a Taser triggers an independent investigation(tags:police Scotland regulation )Judith Butler on the culture wars, JK Rowling and living in "anti-intellectual times"(tags:transgender jkrowling feminism )Brexit: Police to stop lorries without permits entering Kent in new internal border(tags:trade UK Europe Doom )JPMorgan to move $230 billion of assets to Germany ahead of Brexit(tags:UK Europe finance Doom )Scotland's block grant from Westminster cut by £309m(tags:Scotland tax money UK )I think I might finally have found something I'd like read at my funeral(tags:poetry death ) The experience of being a lawyer while also not being white sounds completely exhausting(tags:racism UK law )Sturgeon calls for stronger UK Covid restrictions(tags:UK Scotland pandemic )Ministers 'must tell students to stay on campus over Christmas' to prevent Covid-19 outbreaks (maybe should have mentioned that before they spent thousands of pounds to go there)(tags:pandemic students university UK OhForFucksSake Doom )Kubaba, the Bartender Who Became the First Woman Ruler in History(tags:history women sumeria )UK gin supply 'under threat' from deadly plant disease(tags:alcohol UK disease )Against the armed forces torturing people? Labour will sack youStatement
(tags:labour torture military )UK's coldest September night in more than 20 years(tags:weather UK Scotland )Why it's wrong to think of the Northern Irish violence as primarily Catholic Vs Protestant(tags:religion UK NorthernIreland history violence ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

business, poetry, death, scotland, finance, women, university, law, northernireland, transgender, feminism, disease, trade, military, links, weather, history, ohforfuckssake, uk, europe, police, labour, torture, students, sumeria, netflix, money, tv, jkrowling, racism, tax, religion, violence, pandemic, regulation, doom, alcohol

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