Interesting Links for 13-08-2020

Aug 13, 2020 12:00

Why is Britain's GDP down more than other major nations?(tags:UK pandemic gdp )Periods, the pill and the effect on female athletes(tags:women menstruation sports )National Grid fires up coal power station for first time in 55 days(tags:coal electricity UK )Coronavirus: England death count review reduces UK toll by 5,000 (matching method used by rest of UK)(tags:UK pandemic statistics )Debunking The Lies, Smears, and Distortions about Kamala Harris(tags:politics usa )23 Of The Most Beautiful Terry Pratchett Quotes To Remember Him By(tags:terrypratchett quotes )'Avatar: The Last Airbender' creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko have exited the live-action Netflix series(tags:avatar animation TV OhForFucksSake )Researchers find a chemical that makes locusts swarm(tags:insects behaviour pheromones )Coronavirus in Scotland: Positive cases spreading 'rapidly' in Orkney(tags:scotland pandemic )No silver lining for first-time home buyers even if prices collapse"in the 1990s, a typical young couple putting away 5% of their income each year could save enough for a deposit in just four years. By 2019, that figure had risen to 21 years"
(tags:housing OhForFucksSake uk )UK police use of secretive facial recognition software stopped by the courts(tags:law police faces )"My Landlord is Evicting Us Over My Wife's Quarantine Courgette Harvest"(tags:rental OhForFucksSake pandemic vegetables ) This owl is not impressed(tags:owls )When children's stores reopen, let's leave boys' and girls' sections behind(tags:children gender toys shops shopping ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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