Interesting Links for 21-07-2020

Jul 21, 2020 12:00

During Coronavirus Lockdowns, Some Doctors Wondered: Where Are the Premature BabiesWhat's particularly interesting is that the virus must have been affecting pretty much *every* mother in order to have this kind of effect.
*Or* being indoors during lockdown has a protective effect from something else.
(tags:babies virus pandemic viaElfy )Government admits that NHS Test and Trace programme is unlawful(tags:UK privacy pandemic OhForFucksSake )Brexit: Food shortage fears as three quarters of UK hauliers face being locked out of EU(tags:UK Europe trade doom transport )Funding to stop female genital mutilation reduced by 76 per cent despite hundreds of new cases each month(tags:fgm UK OhForFucksSake ) Soviet bus stops looked *amazing*
(tags:buses design Russia history )A Letter On Justice And Open Debate(tags:jkrowling bigotry transgender lgbt )RBS tells its staff to carry on working from home until next year(tags:work homes pandemic rbs )People's need for structure has a significant impact on someone's likelihood to call something fake news - an effect that was particularly strong for Republicans(tags:psychology news fraud )EU leaders seal deal on spending and €750bn Covid-19 recovery plans(tags:Europe pandemic )Russia report: UK deliberately avoided investigating Russian interference into the Brexit referendum(tags:UK Europe referendum Russia OhForFucksSake intelligence ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

history, ohforfuckssake, virus, news, work, fraud, uk, rbs, europe, homes, referendum, bigotry, intelligence, design, transgender, fgm, jkrowling, trade, russia, babies, viaelfy, buses, psychology, transport, lgbt, privacy, pandemic, doom, links

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