Interesting Links for 31-05-2020

May 31, 2020 12:00

How to Care for a Toddler and a Newborn at the Same Time(tags:babies advice )Coronavirus spreading too fast to ease lockdown restrictions(tags:pandemic Doom UK )Trump's Executive Order Isn't About Twitter - It's About Mark Zuckerberg(tags:Facebook Twitter politics USA )How the Fake Lesbians of t.A.T.u. Changed Queerness in Russia Forever(tags:LGBT Russia viaSwampers lesbians )Oldest nearly complete HIV genome found in forgotten tissue sample from 1966(tags:history hiv virus )Microsoft sacks journalists to replace them with robots(tags:automation journalism Microsoft )Humpback Whales bounce back from near extinction to help fight climate change(tags:whales GoodNews Australia )England to limit students going to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland(tags:England education OhForFucksSake )Men hired for sexual fantasy break into wrong house(tags:fetish sex fail )Why I quit working on Boris Johnson's 'world-beating' test-and-tracing system(tags:OhForFucksSake pandemic )Looks like "really good rechargeable toothbrushes" are now cheap (if not available in the UK yet)(tags:teeth technology )Why do all your small items end up inside duvet covers in washing machines?(tags:physics washing viaSwampers )People Drawn to Conspiracy Theories Share a Cluster of Psychological Features(tags:psychology conspiracy )Stormtroopers Used to Enforce Social Distancing at Disney World(tags:StarWars Disney pandemic )Leadership, anxiety and apologies - how political leadership impacts on our mental health(tags:mentalhealth politics pandemic Wales )Toothpaste with a 'heart of glass'(tags:teeth ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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