Interesting Links for 03-04-2020

Apr 03, 2020 12:00

Jack Monroe gets brand new show. It's called Daily Kitchen and it's on from 10am-11am.(tags:cooking tv )Only a third of English Anglicans now believe Same-sex marriage is wrong.(tags:marriage gender lgbt religion ChurchOfEngland )The USA are literally buying medical supplies on the tarmac as they're about to be shipped to other countries(tags:pandemic capitalism USA )Researchers Introduce Pooling Method for COVID-19 Testing of Over 60 Patients Simultaneously(tags:testing virus pandemic )Coronavirus: Potential vaccine generates enough antibodies to fight off virus, first peer-reviewed study suggests(tags:immune_system vaccine virus pandemic )Introducing JIRA Jr. Project Tracking... for Kids(tags:funny satire video projectmanagement )Edinburgh approves Princes Street restaurant and hotel plan(tags:Edinburgh restaurant )Why the Netherlands has been so badly hit by the Coronavirus(tags:Pandemic Netherlands )What Everyone's Getting Wrong About the Toilet Paper Shortage(tags:business trade design ) Watch this to see the scale of the unemployment problem the USA is now facing(tags:USA unemployment video Doom )Bringing 4K and HDR to Anime at Netflix with Sol Levante(tags:TV anime technology art light hdr HDTV )Amid virus pandemic, India welcomes twin babies Corona and Covid(tags:pandemic virus names india )How to build your very-own pop-up hospital(tags:hospital architecture design viaPatrickHadfield )Navy Sacks Carrier Captain, Pulls Another Carrier Off Station Over COVID-19 Concerns(tags:pandemic navy usa )

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viapatrickhadfield, art, india, virus, anime, business, navy, light, hospital, vaccine, hdr, usa, marriage, hdtv, satire, trade, edinburgh, cooking, projectmanagement, architecture, links, unemployment, technology, immune_system, funny, churchofengland, video, netherlands, restaurant, design, testing, tv, gender, capitalism, lgbt, religion, names, pandemic, doom

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