Interesting Links for 22-01-2020

Jan 22, 2020 12:00

There's a loophole in UK law which allows gender discrimination in some circumstances(tags:discrimination women UK law fail )Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing (in Edinburgh for the next few months)(tags:LeonardoDaVinci art edinburgh )"Greatness" - a brilliant short talk on giving up control to make your organisation run better(tags:organisation video )Sex and religious education to be compulsory in Wales(tags:Wales Education GoodNews sex religion )New twist on marshmallow test: Kids depend on each other for self control(tags:self-control psychology children cooperation )Belgian region of Wallonia vows to block another EU trade deal, in unsubtle Brexit foreshadowing(tags:UK Europe SouthAmerica trade Doom thefuture )The next general election will be a Conservative-facing one: some stats(tags:elections UK )Magic mushrooms and LSD give sustained boost in mood after recreational use(tags:lsd psilocybin happiness psychology psychedelics )Pushing SNES emulation to the edge of perfection(tags:emulation Technology )New 'transformational' code to protect children's privacy online(tags:privacy children internet )Apple dropped plan for encrypting backups after FBI complained(tags:apple encryption privacy )The Crown Series 3 was up 40%. And nearly 1/3 as popular as The Witcher(tags:tv netflix )1969 Debut of the Sesame Street Song 'Manamana'(tags:music SesameStreet muppets ) This is my basic problem with supervillain movies(tags:movies comics superheroes )I didn't know you could starve to death on a diet of rabbit(tags:rabbits food viaSwampers )

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art, music, education, goodnews, women, law, thefuture, emulation, movies, psychedelics, encryption, elections, trade, superheroes, edinburgh, sex, children, rabbits, links, technology, uk, wales, cooperation, europe, apple, comics, video, muppets, organisation, fail, netflix, internet, tv, sesamestreet, leonardodavinci, self-control, discrimination, psychology, religion, food, privacy, viaswampers, doom, happiness, psilocybin, lsd, southamerica

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