Interesting Links for 27-11-2019

Nov 27, 2019 15:50

Birmingham anti-LGBT school protests: judge makes ban permanent(tags:protest LGBT homophobia uk law ) New favourite political advert(tags:advertising politics video )Board games can protect thinking skills in older age(tags:age thinking boardgames psychology viaJane ) No, Britain's Chief Rabbi is not the head of all Jews.(tags:Jews uk ) Jeremy Corbyn's record on anti-Semitism(tags:Jews labour history )Psilocybin for Major Depression Granted Breakthrough Therapy by FDA(tags:depression psilocybin psychedelics )air pollution causes changes in brain structure that resemble those of Alzheimer's disease.(tags:pollution brain alzheimers )Jeremy Corbyn refuses to apologise to Jewish community over Labour anti-semitism(tags:Labour Jews OhForFucksSake )Disney+'s The Mandalorian joins a long list of fake HDR content(tags:TV fraud hdr )Organising a union at Google? You're fired(tags:Google unions OhForFucksSake )Mental Mountains - a fascinating review of Unlocking The Emotional Brain(tags:psychology thought thinking emotion rationality )UK networks to join £1b mast sharing initiative to eliminate dead zones(tags:UK mobile_phones )Failure Is an Essential Prerequisite for Success(tags:failure success )Corbyn reveals secret documents that confirm Tory plot to sell off NHS in US trade talks with Trump(tags:nhs Conservatives usa trade )Boris Johnson said that Islamophobia is a natural reaction to Islam(tags:Islam conservatives bigotry )

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fraud, google, islam, advertising, law, thinking, unions, bigotry, brain, conservatives, hdr, pollution, usa, viajane, psychedelics, trade, nhs, jews, alzheimers, success, emotion, thought, links, rationality, history, ohforfuckssake, homophobia, uk, failure, video, labour, protest, age, tv, depression, mobile_phones, psychology, lgbt, politics, psilocybin, boardgames

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