Interesting Links for 29-10-2019

Oct 29, 2019 13:12

Macron isn't Johnson's friend - he's leveraging British weakness to strengthen France(tags:uk france europe )In Poland, single women who have frozen embryos are now barred from accessing them.(tags:Poland children OhForFucksSake )Boris Johnson could still suffer an election nightmare - if people vote tactically(tags:voting UK Europe )This is the most Pratchett-sounding fanfic I've read. I'd love to read more(tags:terrypratchett fanfic )Election showdown: Future of Brexit comes down to fight over three days(tags:elections UK Europe ) Some lovely Lara Croft/Wonder Woman art(tags:WonderWoman art fanfic )U.K. to Destroy Commemorative 50p Coins in Brexit Meltdown(tags:UK Europe headline money )Three delightful stories about changelings, and how they learn to be(tags:neurodiversity fairytale short_story )Turns out you can *totally* train cats(tags:cats video impressive ) Corbyn is a Scary Marxist out to destroy business...(tags:Labour politics business uk video ) The Tories are enabling people sending anonymous hate emails to MPs(tags:politics UK conservatives OhForFucksSake abuse ) Drug company stops producing child cancer drug because it's not profitable enough(tags:drugs cancer business children )Labour backs general election(tags:Labour elections )Parli-N-Grams - chart the frequency of words and phrases in the UK parliament(tags:parliament language )The Worlds Largest 3d Metal Printer Is Churning Out Rockets(tags:space rockets 3dprinting )50 years ago today, the internet was born in Room 3420(tags:internet history )

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art, business, language, fanfic, conservatives, short_story, wonderwoman, elections, france, parliament, fairytale, abuse, children, neurodiversity, 3dprinting, links, drugs, history, terrypratchett, ohforfuckssake, uk, europe, voting, impressive, video, labour, money, cancer, internet, space, headline, rockets, poland, politics, cats

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