Interesting Links for 01-10-2019

Oct 01, 2019 13:10

Brexit: Opposition parties to meet for talks on next steps(tags:politics uk ) The caretaker prime minister should clearly be Theresa May(tags:politics UK Europe funny ) Looks like Sainsbury are running facial recognition on their CCTV(tags:faces sainsbury's cctv surveillance )A third of British 16 to 24-year-olds don't drink(tags:alcohol uk )AI can now be used to really ruin your hiring process(tags:jobs AI OhForFucksSake )Opposition parties ditch SNP plan for no-confidence vote in the Government this week(tags:politics UK Europe )Chuka Umunna explains the Lib Dem position on votes of no confidence(tags:politics libdem )No, the brothers Grimm version of Cinderella is not the original(tags:fairytale history )UK proposes customs checks on either side of Irish border in bid to break Brexit deadlock (it won't)(tags:UK ireland Europe Doom ) How The Queen can sack a prime minister who refuses to resign(tags:viaDanielDWilliam politics Queen law uk ) More than 40% of white Harvard admits are "ALDC": athletes, legacy, Dean's interest (donors' kids), or children of faculty(tags:university USA bias ) Nazis get *nothing*. Do not give up a single inch to them.(tags:Nazis culture )Oxford professor's children refused visas to join her in UK(tags:UK immigration OhForFucksSake academia )300K people are reading books on the Instagram(tags:reading photos )EU brings in 'right to repair' rules for appliances(tags:Europe Technology regulation ) Johnson is getting very good at covering up bad news by reusing the search terms(tags:language politics BorisJohnson google )Virtual reality PTSD treatment has big impact for veterans(tags:ptsd VirtualReality )U.S. Judges Admit Enhanced Interrogation Is Torture(tags:torture usa ) Huge CJEU ruling - pre-ticked checkboxes don't allow companies to use cookies. Active consent is needed.(tags:cookies privacy europe )We should talk about game difficulty differently(tags:games design )New law to expand scope of civil partnerships in Scotland to opposite sex couples(tags:Scotland relationships law )

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virtualreality, google, immigration, language, faces, sainsbury's, scotland, university, law, cctv, usa, academia, games, ptsd, bias, fairytale, nazis, links, surveillance, history, ohforfuckssake, technology, uk, europe, funny, ai, borisjohnson, torture, design, jobs, reading, culture, relationships, viadanieldwilliam, ireland, queen, photos, privacy, cookies, regulation, doom, politics, alcohol, libdem

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