Interesting Links for 27-09-2019

Sep 27, 2019 12:55

Marvel mastermind Kevin Feige to develop new Star Wars film(tags:StarWars )What *really* happens to people when they're exposed to a vacuum?(tags:vacuum space ) This is the massager your cat needsIt's mostly the expression on its face I love
(tags:massage cats video )A Sleeping Octopus Changes Color While Dreaming(tags:octopus sleep colour viaElfy )Supreme court litigant advised to buy stab vest after death threats(tags:UK Europe OhForFucksSake )I, too, would like to live in a 350sqft Harry Potter Themed Playhouse(tags:housing harrypotter )I was not invited to this party. Which is a shame, because it was clearly the best party ever(tags:dogs babies video viaSwampers ) Boris Johnson's backers have bet billions on the pound crashing(tags:finance politics UK Europe OhForFucksSake )Boris Johnson is capitalising on MPs fearing for their lives(tags:politics fascism UK )Infinity is too a number(tags:mathematics infinity )TikTok's local moderation guidelines ban pro-LGBT content(tags:LGBT censorship apps OhForFucksSake )Boris Johnson could bypass key law blocking no-deal Brexit by issuing order to suspend it(tags:politics law uk ) Can Boris Johnson actually suspend the Benn Act?(tags:politics law UK viaDanielDWilliam )The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 is not an Enabling Act for Brexiters(tags:law politics UK )Japan Airlines will tell you where the baby on board is sitting(tags:babies transport Japan airplanes )Uber stopped its own investigators from reporting crimes to the police(tags:OhForFucksSake crime business )Prehistoric Babies Drank Animal Milk From Bottles(tags:babies prehistory milk archeology )Man catches monster tuna worth almost €3 million and throws it back into sea(tags:fish environment japan ireland )Why Are Rich People So Mean?(tags:money inequality psychology )Brexit, Padfield, and the Benn Act(tags:uk europe law )BBC says staff cannot call Donald Trump a racist even if he says racist things(tags:racism bbc )

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business, fascism, finance, law, inequality, vacuum, environment, babies, viaelfy, archeology, transport, sleep, milk, links, airplanes, ohforfuckssake, uk, bbc, europe, starwars, apps, crime, video, japan, colour, infinity, harrypotter, censorship, dogs, money, prehistory, space, viadanieldwilliam, ireland, racism, octopus, massage, fish, psychology, lgbt, housing, viaswampers, politics, mathematics, cats

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