Interesting Links for 24-09-2019

Sep 24, 2019 13:58

Why do polling companies disagree over the size of the Conservative lead?(tags:UK polling politics ) On the use and misuse of the word "Sapiosexual"(tags:language sexuality asexual lgbt )Cannabis-based drug for childhood epilepsy approved for use in Europe(tags:medicine cannabis children ) Apparently terrible philosophers make terrible husbands(tags:relationships philosophy OhForFucksSake ) Labour's approach to democracy is... not convincing(tags:Labour politics democracy Europe uk ) Labour's attitude towards democracy is... not inspiring at all(tags:Labour democracy UK Europe politics )Even Huge Molecules Follow the Quantum World's Bizarre Rules(tags:quantum physics )What's to blame for Thomas Cook's collapse? Mostly its debt(tags:travel business epicfail )Summer-born children 30% more likely to be diagnosed with depression than older pupils (still quite low, thankfully)(tags:children age school mentalhealth depression )Quantum Computational Supremacy has been achieved! (here's what that means)(tags:quantum computers Google faq ) RelativelyRisky - converting relative risks into absolute ones(tags:Risk statistics )Google wins case to keep right to be forgotten EU only(tags:google memory censorship europe ) Six months from now, the government will cut off healthcare for 180,000 British people living in Europe(tags:healthcare europe uk OhForFucksSake ) Labour conference are refusing to even debate their freedom of movement bill(tags:migration Labour OhForFucksSake )Leave.EU boss Arron Banks cleared after probe into Brexit referendum campaign loans(tags:uk politics law europe )More than a third of UK bank branches have closed since 2015(tags:uk banks )Huge blow for Boris Johnson as Supreme Court rules Parliament shutdown was unlawful(tags:UK law politics parliament GoodNews )

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philosophy, faq, business, computers, travel, google, language, goodnews, statistics, law, banks, quantum, parliament, memory, children, sexuality, democracy, links, healthcare, ohforfuckssake, school, asexual, uk, europe, epicfail, physics, labour, risk, censorship, mentalhealth, age, depression, relationships, migration, lgbt, cannabis, polling, politics, medicine

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