Interesting Links for 15-08-2019

Aug 15, 2019 12:08

13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don't Do(tags:parenting advice ) If Brexit undermines the Good Friday accord, there will be no chance of US-UK trade agreement passing Congress(tags:UK USA trade NorthernIreland ireland )Google 'Whistleblower' Loves QAnon, Accused "Zionists" of Running the Government(tags:conspiracy Google wtf politics society usa )Tyres and synthetic clothes largest UK cause of microplastic pollution(tags:plastic environment uk )Jeremy Corbyn: Back me as temporary PM to block no-deal Brexit, then I'll call general election(tags:UK Europe politics labour )Corbyn: UK parliament should not block Indyref2(tags:UK Scotland Labour politics independence )An alternate suggestion for how fantasy races reproduce(tags:reproduction fantasy )Amazon unveils first batch of casting for The Wheel of Time adaptation(tags:fantasy tv )America's elderly seem more screen-obsessed than the young (ten hours per day)(tags:computers age usa )India Shut Down Kashmir's Internet Access(tags:India censorship internet )The Sinister Brutality of Shipping Container Architecture(tags:housing architecture design shipping )How seriously should we take the Corbyn approach to stopping a No-Deal Brexit?(tags:uk politics labour europe )"One account. All of Google." — How Google let its customers downI was caught by this. I set up a domain for my family, and it's what we've all used for our email addresses for ages. When "Google Apps for Domains" came along, I migrated us on to it.

And now I find that I can't have a YouTube family account. Can't have a Google Play Music family account. Can't have a bunch of other services, because Google created multiple types of accounts, and never put the effort in to make them work seamlessly.
(tags:google OhForFucksSake )Jo Swinson says Ken Clarke or Harriet Harman should lead unity government instead of Jeremy Corbyn(tags:uk politics europe )

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india, fantasy, computers, independence, google, conspiracy, scotland, society, northernireland, usa, advice, environment, trade, architecture, links, ohforfuckssake, plastic, uk, europe, wtf, reproduction, labour, design, censorship, age, internet, tv, parenting, ireland, housing, shipping, politics

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