Interesting Links for 12-08-2019

Aug 12, 2019 12:08

Alternative non-spherical earth theories(tags:comic funny conspiracy earth )The Post-Game Interview(tags:funny sports interview comic )Nicolas Cage on Acting, Philosophy and Searching for the Holy Grail(tags:acting interview )An occasional reminder that using seat predictors on current polling is stupid(tags:polls politics uk viaDanielDWilliam ) If Disney want my money then this is what they'll do(tags:StarWars muppets movies ) Official new pet naming technique(tags:pets food names ) The audience at the National Eisteddfod of Wales, in multi-part harmony, singing from memory. The actual audience. No words on screen, no-one on stage. Just waiting, and singing.(tags:wales singing amazing )Bisexual people have worse mental than straight or gay people. Now researchers know why.(tags:LGBT bisexual mentalhealth society )Insect apocalypse in U.S. driven by 50x increase in toxic pesticides(tags:pesticide insects Doom usa )Why are there so many new books about time-travelling lesbians?(tags:lgbt lesbians viaErindubitably books timetravel scifi history society )Asda signs up its fridges to keep the UK warm this winter (I'm confused as to how this is in any way a battery)(tags:electricity uk )Speaking to yourself in the third person makes you wiser(tags:psychology )The Queen is not happy(tags:UK politics monarchy )The last magnetic pole flip saw 22,000 years of weirdness(tags:magnets earth prehistory )41 per cent say UK government should grant a second Scottish independence referendum(tags:Scotland democracy )Study shows e-bike riders get more exercise than cyclists(tags:exercise bicycles electricity )Worshipper, 65, takes down heavily armed mosque gunman before he can kill anyone(tags:terrorism Islam fascism norway )

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earth, bisexual, insects, pets, islam, conspiracy, timetravel, fascism, scotland, society, acting, movies, exercise, terrorism, usa, sports, books, comic, democracy, links, history, norway, interview, lesbians, pesticide, viaerindubitably, uk, wales, funny, starwars, muppets, amazing, magnets, bicycles, mentalhealth, singing, prehistory, viadanieldwilliam, electricity, psychology, lgbt, food, names, polls, doom, politics, scifi, monarchy

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