Interesting Links for 30-06-2019

Jun 30, 2019 15:29

Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers(tags:engineering design software outsourcing airplanes ) The Conservatives are suffering entryism from Brexit extremists(tags:UK Europe conservatives doom )Stonewall was not the start - it took a decade of resistance to reach that point(tags:lgbt transgender history protests viaLilysea )Babylon 5 Is the Greatest, Most Terrible SF Series(tags:tv Babylon5 review )Are the Brits at it again?(tags:UK funny )Researchers model how octopus arms make decisions (and talk to each other without informing the brain)(tags:octopus communication nerves neuroscience )Britain: Ruined since the 5th century(tags:history uk )Scotland's only breast milk bank is looking for volunteers(tags:milk breastfeeding scotland )German far-right group used police data to compile death list(tags:fascism police germany )Stonewall's CEO Reveals Why She Decided To Fight For Transgender Rights(tags:Transgender LGBT uk ) Have some relationship adviceSome great comments too
(tags:relationships advice ) The computer games industry is renowned for terrible jobs. This is worst than most(tags:Jobs games OhForFucksSake )Three Halflings in a Trenchcoat: a homebrew fighter class for D&D(tags:dungeonsanddragons funny )Ray Harryhausen | Titan of Cinema | National Galleries of Scotland (next year)(tags:scotland specialeffects movies ) How tea killed the fairies(tags:tea myths )UK to deport aspiring astrophysicist, 23, to Pakistan where she faces death or forced marriage to cousin(tags:UK pakistan OhForFucksSake )100% renewable energy without blackouts (by 2050)(tags:renewables electricity thefuture )

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babylon5, nerves, germany, fascism, tea, scotland, renewables, thefuture, conservatives, vialilysea, movies, transgender, outsourcing, advice, engineering, games, milk, links, history, airplanes, ohforfuckssake, protests, uk, europe, funny, police, communication, software, dungeonsanddragons, design, myths, jobs, tv, neuroscience, relationships, specialeffects, breastfeeding, electricity, octopus, pakistan, lgbt, doom, review

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