Interesting Links for 20-06-2019

Jun 20, 2019 12:14

Scottish alcohol sales at lowest level in 25 years after price controls(tags:alcohol scotland ) No, we can't expel EU citizens after three months if they can't find a job(tags:Jobs Europe migration uk )YouTube is working with Universal Music Group to remaster iconic music videos(tags:YouTube videos history music )LGBT+ rights: Support from university professionals is much stronger than you think(tags:academia lgbt transgender )EU preparing to downgrade Switzerland's single market access as warning to Brexit Britain(tags:UK Europe Switzerland )Who wants Star Wars furniture(tags:StarWars furniture )The Time I Went On A Lesbian Cruise And It Blew Up My Entire Life (a terribly romantic story)(tags:LGBT lesbian ocean )Marvel Studios President Approaches Keanu Reeves for 'Almost Every Film We Make'(tags:KeanuReeves marvel movies )What we lose when we understand ("Two Ways of Seeing a River" by Mark Twain)(tags:River learning emotion ) EU report spells out the scale and breadth of North-South cooperation under the GFA which would be either explicitly or implicitly disrupted by Brexit.(tags:Europe UK NorthernIreland ireland ) Just the punchline to the rudest jokes people know(tags:jokes obscenity funny )Dutch prime minister knocks down Brexit promises of Tory leadership contenders one by one(tags:uk europe doom )Computer 'geek' stereotype puts girls off subject(tags:computers Education stereotypes )Chronic inflammation removes motivation by reducing dopamine in the brain(tags:dopamine depression motivation inflammation )A Core Subgroup of Believers Don't Just Think Learning Styles Are Real, But Also Inherited And Hard-Wired In The Brain(tags:learningstyles myths )

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lesbian, marvel, music, computers, education, videos, switzerland, scotland, motivation, dopamine, keanureeves, inflammation, movies, northernireland, transgender, youtube, academia, jokes, stereotypes, emotion, learningstyles, ocean, links, history, uk, europe, funny, starwars, myths, jobs, depression, furniture, learning, ireland, obscenity, migration, lgbt, river, doom, alcohol

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