Interesting Links for 31-05-2019

May 31, 2019 13:03

First man in Scotland convicted under new domestic abuse law(tags:scotland abuse law )A few questions we could maybe ask the Tory candidates about no-deal(tags:uk europe doom Conservatives )Segregated cycle way to be built in Edinburgh city centre (from The Meadows to George Street, via The Mound)(tags:bicycles edinburgh transport GoodNews )The WTO Article 24 red herring in less than 400 words.(tags:trade europe uk doom )Ireland bans zero hours contracts(tags:ireland work rights )The RITB-Warwick-Edinburgh Neoliberal Mental Wellbeing Scale(tags:mentalhealth satire funny ) Questions for No-Deal Brexiters to answer(tags:uk europe doom trade ) "What was the best part of realising you are autistic?"(tags:autism )A simple guide to avoid receiving a diagnosis of 'personality disorder'.(tags:psychology diagnosis satire ) Some thoughts on party politics(tags:politics ) If Labour members went public with how they voted at the EU Parliament elections last week the party would have to kick out 41% of them. And the Tories are even worse.(tags:politics uk ) If the European election voting was repeated at a general election, under FPTP, this is how the results works have turned out(tags:voting fptp doom UK Europe )The British Army's Guide For Spotting "Extreme Right Wing" Soldiers Has Leaked Online(tags:military UK fascism )The House Probably Has A Pro-Impeachment Majority Right Now (but still probably won't vote for it)(tags:politics USA )Malaria mosquitoes wiped out with GM fungus(tags:genetics fungus malaria mosquito )Google's AI group moves on from Go, tackles Quake III Arena(tags:games ai fps ) Latest polling for a Westminster election is... pretty shocking(tags:polls UK wtf ) YouTube is just fine with homophobic harassment(tags:YouTube homophobia LGBT harassment )Looking back on five years of Edinburgh Trams(tags:Edinburgh trams )Lib Dems become most popular party closely followed by Brexit Party, YouGov poll suggests(tags:polls UK politics wtf )The tiny cute delivery robots that are...actually remote controlled from Colombia(tags:robots food delivery colombia )Immigrant stories: The minister's cleaner(tags:immigration uk OhForFucksSake )Opinion: Why do rich people lie, cheat and steal more than those on low incomes?(tags:inequality psychology )Rare Dreamcast-powered SEGA Fish Life preserved and released by Musée Bolo(tags:history consoles fish )Things women weren't allowed to do in the 60s(tags:history women rights society )

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harassment, autism, work, immigration, diagnosis, genetics, colombia, goodnews, fascism, scotland, rights, society, women, law, fungus, malaria, conservatives, inequality, youtube, usa, satire, trade, consoles, games, fps, edinburgh, transport, military, abuse, links, history, ohforfuckssake, trams, homophobia, uk, voting, europe, ai, funny, wtf, delivery, bicycles, mentalhealth, ireland, robots, fish, psychology, food, lgbt, polls, fptp, mosquito, doom, politics

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