Interesting Links for 21-05-2019

May 21, 2019 21:58

Lloyds to create 500 jobs at new tech hub in Edinburgh(tags:Edinburgh finance technology jobs )Queen Elizabeth said 'future of Britain lies in EU', declassified German diplomatic records show(tags:queen uk europe history germany )The Tories have forgotten their pro-EU voters. And they'll pay for it(tags:europe Conservatives )Taking Tiny Breaks Is Key To Learning New Skills(tags:psychology learning )Posh people really do think they're better than others(tags:class society psychology )Braveheart sequel tops Edinburgh film festival(tags:scotland history movies festival edinburgh )Inequality is spiraling because our democracy is broken(tags:democracy inequality uk viaDanielDWilliam )Secret policy allowing government to sidestep its own rules on torture to be reviewed urgently(tags:torture uk OhForFucksSake )Americans! Here is a list of your nearest pro choice protests!(tags:abortion protests )How to do hard things(tags:advice ) What percentage of all global fossil fuel COâ‚‚ emissions since 1751 have occurred in my lifetime?(tags:co2 history )Campaign Finishes Three-Year Run Without DM(tags:roleplaying gameofthrones funny viaSwampers )This nicely sums up my feelings on the end of Game Of Thrones(tags:gameofthrones review )Brexit and Trade: An Interviewer's Reference Guide(tags:trade europe uk ) Game of Thrones: what happened next(tags:gameofthrones funny )Just in case you're interested, this is what the European parliament actually does(tags:europe politics ) Trans people's access to treatment in the UK is the very opposite of "Too Quick"(tags:transgender NHS healthcare UK )

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germany, scotland, society, finance, conservatives, class, movies, transgender, inequality, advice, trade, nhs, co2, edinburgh, abortion, festival, democracy, links, history, healthcare, ohforfuckssake, technology, protests, uk, europe, funny, torture, roleplaying, jobs, gameofthrones, viadanieldwilliam, learning, queen, psychology, viaswampers, politics, review

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