Interesting Links for 01-05-2019

May 01, 2019 12:46

On the Euro Elections and "Vote-Splitting"(tags:europe uk elections )A poem about Silicon Valley, assembled from Quora questions about Silicon Valley(tags:usa technology society california viaSwampers )The European Parliament elections: smaller parties are disadvantaged, and the results are more complex than you'd think(tags:politics europe voting viaDanielDWilliam )Player ratings for Game of Thrones: Battle of Winterfell(tags:funny gameofthrones football )Hydrostor Will Build Compressed Air Storage for the Australian Grid(tags:storage australia electricity )Beltane's May Queen rages about planet damage(tags:environment beltane )Brexit: Theresa May threatens Labour she will abandon talks if deal not reached by next week(tags:Conservatives labour uk europe )Victory for Jeremy Corbyn as Labour NEC agrees referendum fudge for European manifesto(tags:labour UK europe )Facebook Wants to Connect You With Your 'Secret Crush'(tags:facebook relationships )"I feel grief and relief that I've never had children. Other women must share this"(tags:children age society ) Fathers with their kids asleep on them.(tags:fatherhood photos )Jeremy Corbyn criticised for endorsing book which claimed Jews control banks and the press(tags:Jews Labour conspiracy OhForFucksSake )Happy 10th birthday, Dreamwidth!(tags:dreamwidth )How The Dolly Zoom Works(tags:light physics film )How the wrong kind of regulation means that the USA has drug shortages Peru doesn't(tags:usa medicine regulation fail )

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storage, light, california, conspiracy, society, conservatives, usa, elections, film, environment, jews, children, links, australia, ohforfuckssake, technology, uk, europe, voting, funny, facebook, physics, fatherhood, labour, beltane, fail, age, relationships, gameofthrones, viadanieldwilliam, electricity, football, photos, viaswampers, regulation, politics, medicine, dreamwidth

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