Interesting Links for 17-04-2019

Apr 17, 2019 11:59

Stonehenge: DNA reveals builders were descended from people from Turkey(tags:Turkey stonehenge genetics )Pelosi: No UK-US trade deal if Good Friday undermined(tags:usa uk NorthernIreland ireland borders trade doom )Why The Other Side Won't Listen to Reason(tags:morality psychology )As Ebola outbreak rages, vaccine is 97.5% effective, protecting over 90K people(tags:vaccine GoodNews )Work harder or the communists will win!(tags:society work business china usa working_hours OhForFucksSake ) Why the phrase "chick flicks" should be retired(tags:women movies comedy relationships language society )What to Expect From Sony's Next-Gen PlayStation(tags:PlayStation consoles thefuture )30 Animal Panorama Fails(tags:animals photography fail funny viaElfy )From the MCU to Star Wars: In Praise of Poorly Built WorldsCreators leave cracks in their worlds so that silliness and wonder can get through.
(tags:design fantasy StarWars marvel movies writing ) A lovely personal story about George R. Martin(tags:gameofthrones GeorgeRRMartin )We still have three Brexit options, and no sign of a decision(tags:UK europe doom )Wonderdraft - an amazing looking map designer(tags:design maps fantasy )Pro-Brexit Leave.EU group accused of faking videos and forging images of migrants committing crimes(tags:uk europe fascism fraud immigration )Colorado Tried a New Way to Vote: Make People Pay???Quadratically(tags:voting )Scotland post-surgical deaths drop by a third(tags:death scotland nhs surgery )Long-distance running and evolution: Why humans can outrun horses but can't jump higher than cats.(tags:humans evolution sports running viaFanf )

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playstation, viafanf, marvel, business, fantasy, work, fraud, immigration, language, genetics, goodnews, death, fascism, scotland, society, women, thefuture, vaccine, movies, northernireland, usa, working_hours, sports, humans, trade, nhs, consoles, viaelfy, surgery, animals, links, ohforfuckssake, uk, georgerrmartin, voting, europe, funny, starwars, comedy, running, design, fail, turkey, photography, maps, stonehenge, gameofthrones, relationships, borders, ireland, writing, psychology, china, morality, evolution, doom

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