Interesting Links for 13-04-2019

Apr 13, 2019 16:18

Upskirting now a crime after woman's campaign(tags:photography law crime abuse uk )Police detectors to warn mobile phone-using drivers(tags:phones police safety )The calmest looking part of the sea may be the most dangerous. Here's how to survive it.(tags:sea safety swimming )Ministers blasted after 'dodgy statistics' overstate non-EU imports by ??300bn(tags:uk europe doom )Brexit extension: The EU just condemned migrants to seven months of 'flexible' uncertainty(tags:europe uk immigration OhForFucksSake )SpaceX successfully launches most powerful rocket in world -??before landing boosters back on the ground(tags:Spacex space awesome )Chinese scientists have put human brain genes in monkeys(tags:humans monkeys genetics )Mathematicians Discover the Perfect Way to Multiply(tags:mathematics )Self-driving cars still years away(tags:automation driving )How Spotify Saved the Music Industry (But Not Necessarily Musicians)(tags:music Spotify economics streaming business )Electrical jolts to brain restored memory of elderly to that of 20-year-old(tags:electricity brain memory viaMyBrotherHugh )We have had multiple years of politics condensed into three months(tags:politics uk europe stress ) How advertisers bid for your eyeballs(tags:advertising technology web )Pro-EU parties hit out at Independent Group lie over People's Vote(tags:UK politics europe OhForFucksSake ) Egyptian erectile dysfunction ads are amazing(tags:penis medication advertising sex Egypt )

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stress, music, business, swimming, immigration, web, genetics, advertising, phones, law, brain, economics, safety, humans, memory, awesome, sex, spotify, monkeys, abuse, links, driving, ohforfuckssake, technology, viamybrotherhugh, uk, automation, europe, police, streaming, crime, photography, spacex, space, egypt, electricity, sea, doom, politics, mathematics, penis, medication

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