Interesting Links for 22-03-2019

Mar 22, 2019 12:01

Danish billionaires plan to rewild large swath of Scottish Highlands(tags:scotland nature )Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn refuses to rule out revoking Article 50 to stop no-deal(tags:uk europe labour hope )Women who shared their mother's womb with a male twin are less likely to graduate from high school or college, have earned less by their early 30s, and have lower fertility and marriage rates(tags:women testosterone )How are New Zealand's gun laws changing?(tags:newzealand guns )Tony Blair and New Labour - GOOD or BAD?(tags:labour tonyblair history )Top Scores - How game music has evolved(tags:games music )Why "chickenpox parties" are a terrible idea???in case it's not obviousAnd yet the NHS doesn't vaccinate against it
(tags:disease vaccination )Revoke Article 50 petition calling for Brexit to be cancelled hits two million signatures(tags:UK europe petition )Study highlights power of play to improve self regulation in children(tags:children psychology play self-control )Delusions may stem from "sticky" beliefs which take more evidence to change(tags:belief delusion psychology )Lorraine Kelly has won a massive legal case over unpaid tax by arguing she does not appear on TV as herself, but is instead an actor playing a cheery upbeat character called "Lorraine Kelly"(tags:tv acting tax uk ) In case anyone is wondering why the petition site went down, here's one of the developers(tags:software petition fail uk ) heresa May's behaviour yesterday is one to oppose to anything that reduces the independence of MP and/or makes them more tied to the party whip.(tags:politics uk ) Talk to kids about same sex relationships as young as possible(tags:children lgbt ViaDrCross )How a bookshop wolf handles awkward customers(tags:comics work wolves books )

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music, work, scotland, women, acting, newzealand, disease, petition, games, books, wolves, play, children, links, history, delusion, uk, testosterone, nature, europe, guns, comics, software, belief, labour, fail, tv, self-control, hope, psychology, lgbt, tax, politics, vaccination, viadrcross, tonyblair

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