Interesting Links for 05-03-2019

Mar 05, 2019 13:13

Keith Flint death: Prodigy front man dies aged 49(tags:music UK death )The World Wide Fund for Nature Funds Guards Who Have Tortured And Killed People(tags:nature charity OhForFucksSake )Ministers halt discussion of tax transparency bill - because it was going to impose transparency on Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man(tags:tax uk )Tobacco giants say getting rid of packaging pictures of diseased organs will cost them millions after Brexit(tags:uk europe cigarettes viaSwampers ) This is the best memorial to Keith Flint.(tags:childbirth music death )Virgin Atlantic removes make-up requirement from cabin crew(tags:airlines makeup work women GoodNews )UK government doesn't understand how EU works, says its former ambassador to Brussels(tags:europe uk doom )Artists Become Famous through Their Friends, Not the Originality of Their Work(tags:art Fame socialnetworking ) Incredible shift in immigration attitudes in the UK: 64% were negative in 2011, now down to 26%.(tags:immigration polls uk )UK patient free of HIV after stem cell treatment(tags:aids GoodNews stem_cells )The BBC is running a positive transgender story. I do hope this is part of a change in the awful media approach that's been going on(tags:lgbt transgender bbc uk )Mozilla fears DarkMatter misuse of browser certificates for hacking(tags:security browser firefox )Star Wars, edited into five minutes. (been making the rounds this week, well worth a look)(tags:StarWars video )Winter - a touching poem. Somewhat about poo.(tags:faeces poetry relationships )Plans for Edinburgh's biggest new park in over a century revealed(tags:edinburgh nature park )

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art, music, security, work, poetry, cigarettes, immigration, goodnews, death, faeces, charity, women, makeup, fame, transgender, edinburgh, aids, links, ohforfuckssake, uk, bbc, nature, europe, firefox, starwars, browser, park, airlines, video, childbirth, stem_cells, relationships, lgbt, tax, viaswampers, polls, socialnetworking, doom

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