Interesting Links for 20-12-2018

Dec 20, 2018 11:00

Why “Just Google It” Is Now A Synonym For “Indoctrinate Someone” (tags: Google propaganda youtube OhForFucksSake ) Salazar Slytherin - Norman conqueror? (tags: harrypotter ) Federal Panel Of Judges Dismisses All 83 Ethics Complaints Against Brett Kavanaugh - because there is no mechanism to discipline a Supreme Court judge (tags: law usa OhForFucksSake ) Is the US military worth the amount that's spent on it? (tags: money usa military ) Why Can’t We Find Planet Nine? (tags: space astronomy ) Top AI researchers talk about the state of the art, and how close we are to a general artificial intelligence (tags: ai ) The former UK ambassador to the EU talks through the UK's epic mistakes in dealing with Brexit (tags: UK europe epicfail ) No, Corbyn didn't say "stupid woman". (tags: deafness language politics ) Toilet charges scrapped at Glasgow and Edinburgh stations from April (tags: toilets trains Scotland edinburgh glasgow ) Brexit: EU reveals no-deal plans (tags: UK europe doom ) For First Time in More Than 20 Years, Copyrighted Works Will Enter the US Public Domain (tags: usa copyright ) Aggressive behavior brings emotional pain to the sadist (tags: bdsm pain aggression sadness psychology ) Facebook gave Spotify and Netflix access to users’ private messages (tags: facebook privacy OhForFucksSake ) 'Pause' in global warming was never real, new research proves (tags: globalwarming ) No, Scotland is not about to have to pay for English student debt (tags: debt scotland UK students ) Homelessness Deaths in England are up 24% in five years (tags: homelessness death austerity UK OhForFucksSake ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

astronomy, google, trains, language, glasgow, death, scotland, law, bdsm, youtube, usa, globalwarming, debt, austerity, edinburgh, homelessness, military, copyright, links, ohforfuckssake, uk, propaganda, europe, ai, sadness, facebook, epicfail, aggression, deafness, harrypotter, students, money, pain, space, toilets, psychology, privacy, doom, politics

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