Interesting Links for 14-12-2018

Dec 14, 2018 11:00

Theresa May is postponing the vote until after Christmas. At the earliest (tags: UK europe doom ) You'll want to read the responses to this tweet asking about petty crime in London (tags: London crime funny viaSwampers ) The Titanic Was On Fire For Days Before The Iceberg Hit (tags: fire ocean titanic epicfail ) ‘The Forgotten War’: Is Putin Really Winning in Ukraine? (tags: russia ukraine ) So when will the deal return to the Commons? (tags: UK europe ) Brexit is the story of a proud former imperial power undergoing a mid-life crisis (tags: uk europe ) EU leaders have effectively started public negotiations, not with Government, but with Parliament. (tags: UK europe politics ) What is Federal Land? (or "Most of Nevada doesn't belong to Nevada") (tags: usa land history video ) Trump: A Setback For Trumpism (tags: politics republicans usa ) We finally talked to an actual Waymo passenger-here’s what he told us (tags: driving automation ) 23andMe Informed Me My Husband and I Are Related (tags: genetics family relationships ) A History of Waterfall Software Development (tags: software development history viaFanf ) Watchdog bans harmful gender stereotypes in adverts (tags: stereotypes advertising uk ) I found myself cheering China in, watching its growth in this short video (tags: economy China USA Japan Europe video ViaDrCross ) This scientist *really* doesn't like Donald Trump (tags: research funny politics faeces ViaDrCross ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

fire, viafanf, genetics, economy, faeces, advertising, usa, london, family, russia, stereotypes, research, ukraine, ocean, links, history, driving, land, uk, automation, europe, titanic, funny, crime, software, video, epicfail, japan, development, relationships, republicans, china, viaswampers, politics, doom, viadrcross

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