Interesting Links for 11-12-2018

Dec 11, 2018 11:00

Google Translate takes a stand against singular "they" (tags: language translation gender google ) SNP offers to support vote of no confidence if Labour makes one. (tags: snp labour politics ) Chess, a Drosophila of reasoning (tags: chess games intelligence ai ) UK House of Commons expert answers questions on the Meaningful Vote procedure. (tags: politics UK europe ) Nihilist Dad Jokes (tags: jokes funny humour ) The irish potato famine (tags: ireland food history inequality ) This is the ridiculous depths the government has sunk to (tags: UK government OhForFucksSake Europe ) A metaphor that explains Brexit very neatly (tags: cheese metaphor uk europe politics ) The Technology That Changed Air Travel (tags: airplanes travel history technology computers xml viaFanf ) The autistic view of the world is not the neurotypical cliché (tags: autism stereotypes fiction viaFanf ) Increasing numbers of pubs and cafes no longer take cash (tags: money Technology ) An amazing story of gay love and loss in World War 1 Dammit! Now confessed to be fiction!
(tags: history love wwi ) Kenshi is a game I suspect would appeal to a bunch of my friends. Incredibly open world (tags: games review ) "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" looks like ridiculous fun (tags: movies Godzilla trailer ) Psychology research is still fixated on a tiny fraction of humans (tags: race gender society psychology ) New study finds bias against women and girls when intellectual ability is sought (tags: intelligence psychology sexism ) In the “Trust Game”, men with more autistic traits were less influenced by their partner’s facial appearance (tags: autism trust psychology faces ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

godzilla, viafanf, autism, computers, travel, wwi, google, love, language, translation, faces, society, metaphor, movies, chess, inequality, fiction, trailer, games, jokes, stereotypes, cheese, links, history, airplanes, ohforfuckssake, government, technology, sexism, uk, europe, funny, ai, labour, intelligence, race, money, xml, snp, gender, ireland, psychology, food, humour, trust, politics, review

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