Interesting Links for 23-11-2018

Nov 23, 2018 11:00

'He's like Al Capone': turkey on the loose ruffles feathers in Rhode Island town "The turkey can also fly, which animal control officers are unable to do"
(tags: ViaDrCross turkey usa ) Salvation Army warns staff to keep their homophobia quiet (tags: lgbt religion charity homophobia bigotry ) Buses and taxis to lead UK self-driving public transport push in Edinburgh and London (tags: driving automation Edinburgh London UK ) Nuisance calls: new UK law provides for director liability (tags: UK phones law ) The act of drawing something has a “massive” benefit for memory compared with writing it down (tags: art memory ) Downing Street says there will be no new Brexit referendum while Theresa May is prime minister. So if the will of parliament is for a referendum, she resigns or is ousted (tags: europe uk referendum ) 6 Strange Facts about the Interstellar Visitor 'Oumuamua (tags: space weird ) More conferences should do this (tags: conference ) Automated Couture: Using Robots to Make Clothing (tags: clothing automation ) The coal industry is in a lot of trouble (tags: coal economics ) When the servers go down people can't control their central heating. And it's getting cold outside... (tags: heating Internet OhForFucksSake ) The Watchmen movie proves you can be faithful to a comic and still miss its whole damn point (tags: Watchmen movies ZackSnyder alanmoore comics superheroes ) We’re heading for a second referendum - and maybe a third (tags: UK europe referendum ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

art, conference, referendum, charity, coal, phones, law, bigotry, movies, economics, heating, usa, london, memory, superheroes, edinburgh, weird, links, driving, ohforfuckssake, homophobia, watchmen, uk, europe, automation, comics, turkey, internet, space, zacksnyder, alanmoore, lgbt, religion, clothing, viadrcross

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