Interesting Links for 14-11-2018

Nov 14, 2018 11:00

Karen Gillan returns home with new film about suicide (tags: suicide movies KarenGillan ) Angela Merkel calls for creation of EU army (tags: europe military ) Russian space leader suggests engineers test spacecraft Stalin’s way (tags: Russia space testing ) Brits will need visas for trips to EU of more than three months after no-deal Brexit (tags: UK europe ) EU court rules that food taste is not protected by copyright HOW WAS THIS EVEN A QUESTION???
(tags: food taste copyright ) Ex-Detainee Describes Torture In China's Xinjiang Re-Education Camp (tags: CHINA torture OhForFucksSake islam ) Today's YouGov daily survey results provide a clue as to why there seems to be so little joy in the hearts of UKIP supporters (tags: ukip lego polls ) Amazon is buying its way into the shipping business (tags: shipping amazon ) Hedge funds wager £3bn on the pound plunging this year amid no deal Brexit fears (tags: UK europe finance ) Madeleine McCann investigation receives more funding (tags: children money police ) Autism & Mental Health: taking it personally (tags: autism mentalhealth NHS counselling diagnosis society ) Infinite procedurally-generated city with the Wave Function Collapse algorithm (tags: algorithms design city games video ) Formerly deaf people talk about noises which weren't what they expected (tags: noise deafness ViaDrCross ) EU says it ‘will retain all control’ under Theresa May’s agreement (tags: uk europe doom ) Sometimes it's better to stop thinking (tags: thinking ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

city, autism, islam, diagnosis, society, finance, thinking, lego, movies, nhs, russia, games, military, copyright, noise, children, links, ohforfuckssake, karengillan, uk, counselling, europe, police, algorithms, taste, video, torture, deafness, design, testing, mentalhealth, money, space, ukip, food, china, shipping, amazon, suicide, polls, doom, viadrcross

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