Interesting Links for 19-10-2018

Oct 19, 2018 12:00

The secret physics of dandelion seeds (tags: plants flight ) Get Lost in Mega-Tunnels Dug by South American Megafauna My first thought was DR & Quinch's "Snufflegruffs".
(tags: animals SouthAmerica tunnels ) Trump: UK must dump 'unjustified' food standards for Brexit trade deal (tags: UK USA Europe food doom OhForFucksSake ) If we hit January with no deal then there's not enough time to hold an election before Brexit (tags: UK europe elections time doom ) How Facebook’s fraudulent data pushed news publishers to make terrible decisions on video (tags: videos journalism Facebook fraud OhForFucksSake ) Colored filter improves dyslexic children's reading speed (tags: dyslexia reading colour psychology ) The gender paradox is complex (tags: gender equality personality psychology ) Girl gamers are more likely to study science and technology degrees (tags: women gaming education science ) 'I Didn’t Hate the English - Until Now' (tags: England Ireland history ignorance society ) It's Customs Union or No Deal (tags: UK europe doom ) If Brexit happens we’d have to choose between trade with China or US, says Trump trade aide (tags: trade UK europe USA china ) What really terrifies Shaggy? (tags: comic meaning viaSwampers ) The UK is heading towards a frightening constitutional crisis over Brexit (tags: UK politics Europe doom ) The Bosnian Jews who speak medieval Spanish (tags: spain Jews language history Bosnia ) Jonesy from Alien gets his own book (tags: alien cats books ) Gibraltar status agreement reached in Brexit talks, says Spain (tags: uk spain europe Gibraltar ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

education, fraud, language, videos, society, women, flight, bosnia, journalism, time, usa, elections, ignorance, trade, personality, jews, books, comic, meaning, equality, animals, links, plants, history, ohforfuckssake, science, uk, europe, facebook, tunnels, colour, spain, alien, reading, gender, ireland, gaming, psychology, food, england, china, viaswampers, gibraltar, doom, politics, dyslexia, southamerica, cats

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