Interesting Links for 16-10-2018

Oct 16, 2018 12:00

David Davis lined up as interim prime minister (tags: Conservatives doom ) Victim slams not proven criminal rape case as a disgrace (tags: rape scotland law ) Reminder that when Brexiteers talk about "a border in the Irish Sea" they are not telling the truth (tags: uk europe NorthernIreland ireland trade borders ) Rockstar chews up employees, spits them out. (tags: games work OhForFucksSake ) Boris Johnson negotiates like a toddler (tags: babies psychology politics ) This is what happens when you take Ayn Rand seriously (bankruptcy and destruction) (tags: doom AynRand ) The shocking abuse allegations uncovered by the Commons bullying inquiry (tags: bullying abuse politics uk ) MI5 believed black people posed security risk (tags: UK history racism ) New Brexit negotiation strategy revealed.Stage 1 - find minotaur (o.n.o.)… (tags: UK europe funny ) I never, ever, want to be on a plane that does this (tags: video terrifying airplanes ) Shetland set to lose 20 churches (tags: religion scotland ) Scottish Power to use 100% wind power after Drax sale (tags: electricity renewables Scotland windpower ) Doctor Who series 11: partition of India to be key part of episode 6 Demon of the Punjab (tags: drwho history India pakistan ) The perils of polls about new parties (tags: polls politics uk ) China cracks down on religion, crosses burned at Christian churches (tags: OhForFucksSake China religion ) Bans on smacking children linked to lower violence among teens (tags: violence children ) Explaining intrusive thoughts (tags: psychology thought ) Myanmar's military turned Facebook into a tool for genocide (tags: genocide Myanmar facebook OhForFucksSake ) Hyperalarming study shows massive insect loss (tags: insects doom ) Facebook says millions of users had phone numbers, search history and location data stolen (tags: facebook security fail ) Least gifted children of wealthy parents graduate from college at higher rates than most-gifted from low-income families (tags: genetics Intelligence inequality ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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