Interesting Links for 12-10-2018

Oct 12, 2018 12:00

Theresa May will ask Cabinet for a customs union Brexit as DUP warns it could bring down her Government (tags: uk europe ) UK legalises cannabis products under prescription within weeks (tags: uk marijuana medicine ) UN Says Climate Genocide Coming. But It’s Worse Than That. (tags: globalwarming doom ) Police still not investigating Leave campaigns, citing political sensitivities (tags: politics UK police Europe OhForFucksSake ) Scottish brewery sector sees explosive growth (tags: alcohol scotland ) Meet the snake-firing archers and other wonders of Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (tags: simulation games funny ) How Punk Rock Can Revitalize Human Resources (I feel nauseous) (tags: business organisation OhForFucksSake ) There is nowhere to hide from our robot overlords now that they can do parkour (tags: robots video ) Retailer Carrefour adopts blockchain to track fresh produce (tags: Technology shopping ) Tory-DUP tensions erupt over call for Theresa May to be dumped as Prime Minister (tags: politics DUP Conservatives ) Nice people finish last when it comes to money (tags: money personality psychology ) Genetics of brain structure and description of largest human genetic study (tags: genetics brain research ) The British government continues to kill its sick people (tags: UK welfare murder diabetes OhForFucksSake ) Schizophrenia is a huge number of different issues (tags: schizophrenia brain ) Spotify: Albums are alive and kicking in the streaming age (tags: streaming spotify albums music ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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music, business, genetics, scotland, simulation, brain, conservatives, globalwarming, personality, games, spotify, research, welfare, links, diabetes, ohforfuckssake, technology, uk, europe, funny, police, streaming, shopping, video, organisation, marijuana, murder, money, dup, robots, albums, psychology, schizophrenia, doom, politics, medicine, alcohol

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