Interesting Links for 30-09-2018

Sep 30, 2018 12:00

There’s no such thing as ‘justifiable assault’ (tags: children violence scotland ) Clearly everyone should celebrate Wolfenoot (tags: wolves dogs holidays meme ) "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" is a horribly misused phrase (tags: law ) Root is a terrific-and fully asymmetric-woodland wargame I want to play this. Shame it's not on general sale.
(tags: games review ) The British Gymnastics Association responds to a complaint about their trans acceptance policy (tags: lgbt transgender sports ) Europe’s Oldest Intact Book Goes On Display In London (tags: books history Europe uk ) No Cash Needed at This Cafe: Students Pay the Tab with Their Personal Data (tags: privacy identity coffee ) Why Bride Price Costs in China Are Out of Control (tags: China money marriage gender economics ) Boris Johnson says the government has been negotiating in bad faith over Northern Ireland (tags: UK Europe NorthernIreland OhForFucksSake lies ) 'Significant' number of Conservative MPs would back new Brexit referendum, says Dominic Grieve (tags: UK referendum Europe Conservatives ) HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO BRETT KAVANAUGH? (tags: politics law usa satire ) Europe's racist far right is not on the rise. It’s always been there. (tags: racism Europe ) Estonia sues Gemalto for 152 mln euros over ID card flaws (tags: Estonia identity security fail fraud viaFanf ) Play a game on your phone which helps researchers understand Alzheimer's better (tags: alzheimers games phones ) Three in five British adults say miracles are possible (tags: belief uk OhForFucksSake ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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