Interesting Links for 18-09-2018

Sep 18, 2018 12:00

Details on the end of European time changes (tags: time europe ) Early gender tests leading to selective abortions of girls in UK (tags: patriarchy uk abortion ) Who likes to be alone? Not introverts (tags: introversion personality loneliness psychology ) Household cleaning products may contribute to kids being overweight by altering their gut microbiota (tags: children microbiome cleanliness weight ) Growing up in a violent environment is bad for kids, whether or not you are directly bullied (tags: violence bullying children behaviour ) How safety standards made infant walkers 90% safer (tags: safety children walking ) People tend to cluster into four distinct personality groups (tags: personality psychology ) Using literally figuratively is literally prehistoric (tags: language history ) Only a quarter of Mail readers think UK will get good Brexit deal. Mostly they blame the British government (tags: UK Europe fail polls newspapers DailyMail ) In January 2019 Britain will switch from a pro-Brexit to an anti-Brexit country - even if nobody changed their minds (tags: UK Europe demographics ) Coca-Cola in talks to develop cannabis drinks (tags: marijuana cocacola inflammation ) Sixteen gambling regulators unite to grumble about loot boxes and skin gambling (tags: gambling games regulation ) A memory of Rees-Mogg (tags: Conservatives politics class ) Value of EU citizens to the economy is the equivalent of 5p on income tax (tags: europe uk tax doom ) UK children with maths difficulties (dyscalculia) are 100 times less likely to receive an official diagnosis than peers with dyslexia (tags: mathematics children fail uk ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

behaviour, cleanliness, dailymail, language, demographics, patriarchy, walking, conservatives, inflammation, class, microbiome, time, safety, loneliness, personality, games, abortion, weight, children, links, history, introversion, newspapers, uk, europe, gambling, fail, marijuana, cocacola, bullying, psychology, tax, violence, polls, regulation, doom, mathematics, politics

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