Interesting Links for 13-09-2018

Sep 13, 2018 12:00

Comicsgate is the latest front in the ongoing culture wars (tags: comics fascism OhForFucksSake ) Middle Earth Map Style (tags: maps lotr ) Labour's Tom Watson 'reversed' type-2 diabetes through diet and exercise (tags: diabetes diet health ) Microsoft intercepting Firefox and Chrome installation on Windows 10 (tags: microsoft windows browsers OhForFucksSake ) EU Parliament triggers Article 7 against Hungary (tags: Hungary Europe rights ) Harrassing the children of people you don't like is counterproductive to your cause. And a terrible thing to do. (tags: children politics OhForFucksSake ) Language fluency in speech and print (tags: language speech accents writing ) Your reminder that Apple will delete movies you "bought" from your library. And keep your money. (tags: Apple movies copyright OhForFucksSake ) Oregon novelist who wrote 'How to Murder Your Husband' charged with murdering her husband (tags: murder writing novel headline ) This is the kind of behaviour from the Tories that pushes people towards independence (tags: Scotland Conservatives OhForFucksSake ) MEPs vote to ban killer robots on battlefield (tags: robots war europe ) Did the DC movie universe creators set out to make a mess? Because that's what they've produced (tags: dc comics movies ) Ipswich town centre haunted by eerie nursery rhyme (creepiest story I've heard in some time) (tags: uk WTF scary ) A Christmas Carol, a vanishing Italian, and a single lunch. A real life mystery. (tags: writing CharlesDickens italy weird ) "No joke: TV editors cut me out of a panel show - and didn’t even notice" (tags: women tv comedy ) Scientist Publishes A List Of Known Harassers in Academia (tags: academia abuse ) Men Wish Women Would Stop Expecting These Things From Romcoms In Real Life (tags: movies men women behaviour relationships ) EU Trials Tracker - Who's not sharing clinical trial results? (tags: Europe research fail ) Horrible Science Stories #1a.k.a. How To Kill Several Thousand Women (tags: cancer research women breasts OhForFucksSake fraud ) Juvenile or adult? Leap-year suspect poses conundrum for Australian court (tags: time age australia law ) UK mass surveillance programme violates human rights, European court rules (tags: privacy rights uk europe ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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microsoft, behaviour, fraud, language, scary, fascism, scotland, rights, women, law, conservatives, movies, time, lotr, academia, browsers, windows, weird, hungary, breasts, research, copyright, abuse, children, links, diabetes, australia, ohforfuckssake, men, #1a, uk, europe, comedy, apple, novel, comics, wtf, diet, italy, dc, accents, fail, murder, cancer, speech, maps, tv, age, relationships, robots, headline, health, writing, charlesdickens, privacy, war, politics

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