Interesting Links for 10-09-2018

Sep 10, 2018 12:00

The NYT “Part of the Resistance ” piece is strategic conservative propaganda, not self-promotion. (tags: republicans politics usa ) "Cuts in income tax, business tax, capital gains tax and stamp duty plus an 'expeditionary force' to the Falkland Islands - a glimpse of Rees-Mogg's post-Brexit vision of Britain (tags: UK conservatives OhForFucksSake europe ) "I decided then and there: I would build a battery-powered machine to play podcasts at the bear until the peaches ripened" (tags: bears fruit Technology ) UK’s worst-selling map: The empty landscape charted by OS440 (tags: scotland maps ) The remarkably quick death of telephone culture (tags: phones society technology communication spam viaFJM ) Heinlein’s Fan Mail Solution (tags: heinlein fandom communication ) A rising far-right is not the big story of Sweden’s election. It’s fragmentation (tags: sweden politics ) 4Chan are trying to get black people arrested or killed (tags: fraud racism usa OhForFucksSake ) Hard Evidence: Do we become more conservative with age? (tags: age psychology politics ) Why Can’t Apes Talk? (tags: ape speech brain ) How WhatsApp causes lynchings in India (tags: India murder fraud communication ) Amazon has patented a system that would put workers in a cage, on top of a robot (tags: robots work amazon ) "A family friend shares their experience of explaining nanotechnology to Boris Johnson." (tags: technology politics fail ) "Things I Never Knew About Las Vegas Until I Ran a High-Roller Suite" (Definitely just the tip of the iceberg) (tags: gambling casino LasVegas ) - see what the EU has done for your area (tags: Europe maps ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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