Interesting Links for 19-07-2018

Jul 19, 2018 12:00

Astronomers can now get sharper images from the ground than the Hubble can from space (tags: astronomy space technology ) European Commission fines Google €4.34 billion for illegal practices regarding Android mobile devices to strengthen dominance of Google's search engine (tags: Google Europe fines ) EU signs its biggest free trade deal with Japan (tags: europe japan trade ) Critical realism in 100 words (tags: reality philosophy ) UK facing longest fall in living standards for over 60 years (this is *before* a hard Brexit is taken into account) (tags: UK economy epicfail ) The 10 Phases of a 10 Minute Shower With a Baby at Home (tags: cleanliness babies funny true viaJane ) ‘Meghalayan Age’ announced as official new chapter in Earth’s history (starting 4,200 years ago) (tags: prehistory geology ) Hackers account for 90% of login attempts at online retailers - successful 3% of the time (tags: hacking passwords security ) Edinburgh's Leith Street to reopen after almost a year (tags: Edinburgh roads transport ) The end of all things is upon us (tags: UK Europe doom ) Michael Scheuer, the former senior CIA official and NYT bestselling author of Imperial Hubris, is calling for Trump supporters to kill Trump opponents (tags: WTF civilwar usa ) Homophobic University chaplain removed after holding service to atone for Gay Pride event (tags: homophobia religion catholicism glasgow Scotland uk ) Timeline of the far future (tags: thefuture ) As I assumed, the Chequers agreement is totally unacceptable to the EU (tags: UK Europe doom fail ) Labour don't have the numbers to keep the UK in the EU (tags: UK Europe labour ) Zuckerberg defends Facebook users' right to deny the Holocaust (tags: Facebook freespeech lies Holocaust ) Israeli defense firm demos kamikaze drone bomb that can be called off (tags: drone weaponry military ) Do not debate holocaust deniers. If possible, shut them down (tags: Holocaust bigotry fraud history ) Labour politician refuses to quit despite calling women ‘b***h’, ‘cow’ and ‘c***’ in misogynistic hate campaign online (tags: Labour misogyny Manchester ) Non-religious countries experience greater economic growth, study finds (tags: religion success economy ) Spain to introduce ‘yes means yes’ sexual consent law (tags: law rape Spain consent ) The women choosing to love their natural grey hair (tags: women hair age ) Chief whip Julian Smith told MPs to defy pairing deals (tags: politics conservatives OhForFucksSake uk ) Some notes on She-Ra from the guy who co-created her (tags: writing women children animation ) "I was right to confront Jeremy Corbyn over Labour’s antisemitism" (tags: labour Jews bigotry ) Israel passes law enabling apartheid (tags: israel bigotry racism ) Morrisons 'quiet hour' for autistic shopping introduced (tags: shopping autism noise uk ) How democratic are the reformed electoral systems used in Britain’s devolved governments and English mayoral elections? (tags: voting uk ) Looking at Test Driven Developmen: An Academic Survey (tags: research testing development software ) Visualizing street orientations on an interactive map (tags: design roads cities ) After a 400-Year Absence, A Rare Ibis Returns to European Skies (tags: birds Europe GoodNews ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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philosophy, cleanliness, fraud, rape, google, true, glasgow, women, freespeech, reality, thefuture, conservatives, usa, viajane, drone, trade, hair, geology, holocaust, military, research, children, passwords, consent, voting, europe, civilwar, facebook, labour, japan, design, catholicism, age, prehistory, manchester, politics, weaponry, autism, roads, astronomy, security, hacking, goodnews, economy, scotland, law, bigotry, cities, babies, jews, edinburgh, transport, israel, success, fines, noise, links, history, ohforfuckssake, technology, homophobia, uk, funny, shopping, wtf, epicfail, software, spain, fail, testing, misogyny, development, birds, space, lies, racism, writing, animation, religion, doom

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