Interesting Links for 12-07-2018

Jul 12, 2018 12:00

The dry summer is revealing archeological sites (tags: archeology weather farming ) After Brexit, farming is fucked (tags: farming doom uk Europe ) Hacker Steals Military Docs Because Someone Didn’t Change a Default FTP Password (tags: military security fail drone ) The EU has just passed a law that could end the problems with free movement (employers undercutting locals by bypassing minimum wage requirements) (tags: minimumwage Europe immigration ) Solar power in the USA is now ridiculously cheap (tags: solarpower usa GoodNews ) What Babies Know About Their Bodies and Themselves (tags: babies neuroscience psychology bodies ) A Massive, Black Sarcophagus Has Been Unearthed in Egypt, And Nobody Knows Who's Inside (tags: Egypt archaeology ) Whitehall’s ‘potty’ plan to keep NI lights on if no Brexit deal (tags: UK Europe NorthernIreland ) Ministers draw up secret plans to stockpile processed food in case of a 'no deal' Brexit (tags: UK Europe doom ) Hilariously bad translations at the zoo (tags: zoo translation funny fail ) Elusive trigger for cooling 13,000 years ago might have been found (tags: Canada atlantic temperature prehistory ) LED lights reduce seabird death toll from fishing by 85 percent (tags: light birds ocean ) Whole-fat dairy foods aren't bad for you (tags: food milk dairy health ) Humans did not stem from a single ancestral population in one region of Africa (tags: Africa evolution humans ) Trump Aide Connected To 2006 Overseas Attack On US Marines (tags: usa Ukraine russia ) Ministers urged to up public spending on rail, green energy and digital (tags: investment economy ) Einride's T-log Is a Self-Driving Truck Made for the Forest (tags: forests transport electricity automation ) Hard Brexiteers Set Out How They Will Thwart Theresa May's Negotiating Plan (tags: UK conservatives Europe doom ) Here is a horrifying example of how the media make women's achievements invisible (tags: women football media OhForFucksSake sexism ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

temperature, investment, security, immigration, translation, light, goodnews, economy, women, minimumwage, africa, dairy, conservatives, northernireland, usa, humans, bodies, drone, russia, babies, archeology, archaeology, transport, military, farming, ukraine, forests, milk, ocean, links, weather, ohforfuckssake, sexism, uk, canada, media, automation, europe, funny, fail, solarpower, neuroscience, prehistory, birds, egypt, football, electricity, health, psychology, zoo, food, evolution, doom, atlantic

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