Interesting Links for 11-07-2018

Jul 11, 2018 12:00

India breastfeeding magazine cover ignites debate (tags: breastfeeding india ) Theresa May will be PM til after Brexit (tags: Conservatives uk politics ) PETA wants staffies added to the Dangerous Dogs Act (tags: dogs PETA OhForFucksSake ) Picky Refugee Just Expects To Be Reunited With Exact Same Family As Before (tags: immigration satire ) The U.S. Abortion Debate Isn’t As Partisan As Politicians Make It Seem (tags: usa abortion ) EU negotiator Michel Barnier says 80% of Brexit deal is agreed (tags: uk europe thefuture ) Why Russia is far less threatening than it seems (tags: Russia economics thefuture ) Please don't pirate books before they've even been released! (tags: books publishing piracy OhForFucksSake viaSwampers ) Psychology, Numeracy and Biases in Brexit Voters (tags: referendum Europe UK psychology personality ) What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987? (tags: Russia politics usa republicans conspiracy ) Netflix's The Dragon Prince: A New Animated Series From Avatar: The Last Airbender's Head Writer Announced (tags: Netflix animation ) How peopleare misreading the end of Return of the Jedi (tags: StarWars ) Brits are a _lot_ more in favour of immigratns than they were five years ago (tags: immigration polls uk GoodNews ) These Bizarre Glasses Promise to Cure Your Motion Sickness (tags: sick vision glasses ) Turns out you can fight corruption by informing the populace of their rights (tags: corruption fraud GoodNews food ) Performing meaningless rituals boosts our self-control through making us feel more self-disciplined (tags: self-control psychology ) Lesbians have better sex than straight women (tags: sex lesbians lgbt ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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