Interesting Links for 22-06-2018

Jun 22, 2018 12:00

Listen and weep: Audiobooks outdo films in emotional engagement (tags: books emotion tv movies ) How bad could Brexit be, really? (tags: Europe UK doom ) Famous gorilla Koko who could do sign language has died at the age of 46 (tags: gorillas sign language ) Why Rank-And-File Evangelicals Aren’t Likely To Turn On Trump Over Family Separation - For Now. (tags: religion usa immigration racism society ) First physiological test for autism has 88% accuracy in second trial (tags: autism ) The day after: Tory MPs look at the cliff-edge (tags: politics UK Europe ) Burger Robot Startup Opens First Restaurant (tags: food automaton ) Immigrant children have been forcibly injected with powerful psychiatric drugs at one of the U.S. government "shelters" (tags: drugs usa children immigration OhForFucksSake ) Roseanne officially going on without the titular character (tags: tv funny ) Airbus warns no-deal Brexit could see it leave UK - taking 14,000 jobs with it (tags: airplanes uk europe jobs business doom ) Guys, guys, I found the very definition of entitlement (tags: StarWars OhForFucksSake ) Edinburgh trams profits more than £1m above forecast Considering that it's only half of the line, I'm amazed it's making a profit at all.
(tags: trams edinburgh ) Investigating The Mysterious ‘Jumping Gene’ That Appears 500k Times in Human DNA (tags: genetics ) Air Force certifies Falcon Heavy, orders satellite launch for 2020 (tags: Spacex ) Eurozone agrees deal to bring Greece out of financial crisis (tags: Greece debt Europe economy ) Psychiatric disorders share an underlying genetic basis (tags: genetics mentalhealth ) A mechanism behind choosing alcohol over healthy rewards is found (in rats, but probably also humans) (tags: alcohol brain genetics addiction rats ) Turns out Stephen King is responsible for Donald Trump (tags: usa politics horror funny stephen_king ) The great irony of Brexit is that it is teaching the UK that it already had the best model: EU membership (tags: europe uk ) The three legal ways by which Brexit may not take place on 29 March 2019 (tags: uk europe law ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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autism, business, horror, immigration, language, genetics, economy, society, law, brain, movies, usa, debt, automaton, edinburgh, books, emotion, sign, children, links, airplanes, drugs, ohforfuckssake, trams, uk, europe, funny, starwars, gorillas, mentalhealth, jobs, spacex, tv, stephen_king, rats, racism, addiction, food, religion, greece, doom, politics, alcohol

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