Interesting Links for 18-06-2018

Jun 18, 2018 12:00

Software archaeology: Developing World of Warcraft Classic (tags: WorldOfWarcraft software data ) Politics, and how she works (tags: politics inequality ) From Schiehallion: The Bleak Beauty of the North of Scotland (tags: scotland photos ) Venezuela may have committed crimes against humanity (tags: Venezuela murder OhForFucksSake ) General Thinking Tools: 9 Mental Models to Solve Difficult Problems (tags: thinking advice ) Got a Pebble smartwatch? Here's how to keep it going after their servers are shutdown at the end of the month (tags: Technology ) Don't ask a dying man if he wants bacon or sausage (tags: death decisions viaSwampers ) America’s largest Protestant group moves to cut ties with the Republican Party (tags: religion usa republicans ) Rule One: Thoughts on the Anniversary of the Death of Robert E Howard (tags: death writing fantasy history ) The Co-Op bank refuses to provide services to transphobes (tags: lgbt banking viaJennieRigg ) How Peppa Pig became a video nightmare for children (tags: children video youtube ) UK debit cards transactions overtake cash for the first time (tags: UK cash banking Technology ) Brexit deal: Tory rebel warns government could collapse (tags: Conservatives uk europe ) Antarctica’s ice is melting three times faster than we thought (tags: antarctic doom globalwarming ) In case you were wondering what was going on with Scotland and Brexit. (tags: scotland uk europe parliament ) The Chinese Communist Party’s fear of its people spells trouble (tags: china censorship ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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fantasy, death, scotland, thinking, viajennierigg, conservatives, inequality, youtube, usa, advice, globalwarming, parliament, venezuela, children, links, cash, history, ohforfuckssake, technology, uk, europe, data, video, software, censorship, worldofwarcraft, banking, murder, antarctic, writing, photos, republicans, lgbt, religion, china, viaswampers, doom, decisions, politics

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