Interesting Links for 16-05-2018

May 16, 2018 12:00

Tunnellers hand-dig 90 tonnes of earth from Edinburgh sewer (tags: edinburgh construction ) Russian fleet hunts British submarine in Mediterranean (a month old, but I missed it at the time) (tags: russia uk ocean submarine ) What drinks do Jedi like? (A song) (tags: alcohol StarWars montypython song ) Americans Can't Have Audi's Super Capable Self-Driving System (tags: automation driving cars ) Inside the biggest comic book collection in the world (tags: comics ) Trump threatens to use US trade talks to force NHS to pay more for drugs  (tags: NHS usa medication trade ) As D.I.Y. Gene Editing Gains Popularity, ‘Someone Is Going to Get Hurt’ (tags: genetics ) Police Realizing That SESTA/FOSTA Made Their Jobs Harder; Sex Traffickers Realizing It's Made Their Job Easier (tags: abuse law usa sexwork OhForFucksSake ) Attentive adults increase children's ability to empathize (tags: empathy psychology children ) What is the slowest music humanly possible? (tags: music time video viaSwampers ) Some calories more harmful than others (tags: food health sugar ) How the two companies which dominate the world of glasses merged into one. "It’s not really bribes; it’s the way it works" (tags: glasses business ) When you're asked to write software to help kill people (tags: military software ethics ) White House can’t explain how Chinese financing of Trump-linked project doesn’t violate Constitution (tags: politics business China usa ) Setting up a social network for sex workers is an incredibly positive step. So, of course, US law makes it incredibly hard (tags: sexwork viaPatrickHadfield socialnetworking ) Footage emerges of distressing home visit by immigration officers (tags: immigration uk OhForFucksSake ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

viapatrickhadfield, sexwork, music, business, immigration, genetics, law, time, usa, trade, nhs, russia, edinburgh, submarine, sugar, song, military, abuse, children, ethics, ocean, links, driving, ohforfuckssake, cars, uk, automation, starwars, comics, construction, glasses, video, software, montypython, health, psychology, food, china, viaswampers, socialnetworking, politics, medication, alcohol, empathy

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