Interesting Links for 20-04-2018

Apr 20, 2018 12:00

Do not ready activated charcoal foods if you're on birth control (Or taking any medication) (tags: food contraception OhForFucksSake ) Map: Final designs for top of Leith Walk revealed (tags: edinburgh design transport ) Senior MPs to force (non-binding) customs union vote Yay, more things for Theresa May to ignore!
(tags: Europe UK politics ) The UK Refused To Raid A Company Suspected Of Money Laundering, Citing Its Tory Donations (tags: UK conservatives crime ) Amazon Prime passes 100m subscribers mark (tags: amazon ) Finland to end basic income experiment (tags: GuaranteedIncome finland ) Everspace dev paid thousands to influencers who were "shit at playing the game" (tags: advertising games video ) What day, night and the shape of the terminator would look like on Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Map (tags: sun time maps video ) Some thoughts on autism (tags: autism disability ) Land by latitude and longitude, or, a pile of continents (makes it clear how small Europe is) (tags: maps earth viaDanielDWilliam ) Mammals are smaller than they used to be, and it’s our fault (tags: mammals prehistory humans death ) Robot Conquers One of the Hardest Human Tasks: Assembling Ikea Furniture Although I actually enjoy assembling Ikea furniture, and rarely find it hard
(tags: furniture ikea robots ) Why is insect protein more expensive than pork chops? (tags: insects food money ) The Eurovision Song Contest...In Spaaaaaaaaace! (tags: review music scifi ) Male contraceptive compound stops sperm without affecting hormones (in monkeys) (tags: contraceptive sperm monkey men ) Dear Prince Charles, do you think my brown skin makes me unBritish? (tags: royalty uk racism ) Taxi firms face claims over drivers' rights in wake of Uber case (tags: jobs law taxi ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

earth, autism, music, insects, monkey, death, advertising, law, conservatives, time, humans, mammals, games, sperm, edinburgh, finland, transport, taxi, links, ikea, ohforfuckssake, men, uk, sun, europe, disability, crime, guaranteedincome, video, contraception, design, jobs, contraceptive, money, maps, prehistory, furniture, viadanieldwilliam, robots, racism, royalty, food, amazon, politics, scifi, review

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