Interesting Links for 16-04-2018

Apr 16, 2018 12:00

In case you weren't aware how awesome Christopher Lee is (tags: ChristopherLee awesome ) How To Get Out of a Speeding Ticket (tags: funny video speed police viaSwampers ) Glitch tapestries (tags: materials Technology art ) What will it take for the Lib Dems to get bolder? (tags: politics libdem ) ‘I was a teacher for 17 years, but I couldn’t read or write’ (tags: reading Education teaching usa ) Ten Things A Diehard Alan Moore Fan Learned From the New Annotated Watchmen (tags: watchmen alanmoore comics ) H&R Block and Intuit Lobbying Against Simpler Tax Filing (tags: usa tax OhForFucksSake ) Ask me first: What self-assessments can tell us about autism (tags: autism research ) The way they the government has been treating the 1940s-1970s Caribbean immigrants and their children is frankly shameful (tags: immigration UK OhForFucksSake ) Why more authors are going audio-only (tags: writing audio ) Glorious Portraits from the 2017 World Beard And Mustache Championship (tags: beards photos ) When Do Kids Understand Death? (tags: death children ) Hackers stole a casino's database through a thermometer in the lobby fish tank (tags: casino Internet security OhForFucksSake ) Found Footage Offers a New Glimpse at 1906 San Francisco Earthquake (tags: earthquake sanfrancisco usa history film ) ‘Moderate’ drinking guidelines are too loose (tags: alcohol health ) Talking to a young child about death (tags: death children prehistory ) Over 65,000 home routers are being used to create proxy networks for various types of secret or illegal activities. (tags: hacking security internet ) It is frankly amazing what people can fit into 64KB (tags: video demo impressive ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
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art, autism, security, education, audio, hacking, immigration, death, usa, speed, demo, film, awesome, beards, materials, christopherlee, teaching, research, children, links, history, ohforfuckssake, technology, casino, watchmen, uk, sanfrancisco, impressive, funny, police, comics, video, reading, internet, prehistory, health, alanmoore, writing, photos, earthquake, tax, viaswampers, politics, alcohol, libdem

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