Interesting Links for 09-04-2018

Apr 09, 2018 12:00

8 tips to help you become more resilient (tags: emotion advice ) Best Breast Pumps 2018 (mostly saved for later for me) (tags: breastfeeding Technology review ) The Oral History Of The Poop Emoji (tags: faeces emoji history ) The Racist and Sexist History of Keeping Birth Control Side Effects Secret (tags: contraception racism sexism OhForFucksSake history usa ) Why did fans leave LiveJournal, and where will they go after Tumblr? (tags: fandom socialmedia community ) Dark Souls speed run in 55 minutes with no glitches By comparison it took me a few dozen hours.
(tags: games video impressive ) Publishers Haven't Realized Just How Big a Deal GDPR Is (tags: privacy europe advertising surveillance ) GDPR Requirements in Plain English (tags: privacy Europe law surveillance ) Star Wars turns out to still be popular, despite loud whining on the internet about ruined childhoods (tags: StarWars ) Brexit: Nearly 20 banks have committed to Frankfurt since vote to leave EU (tags: Germany banking europe ) Childbirth stories are the stuff of life. We should share them (tags: childbirth birth stories ) The "Solo: A Star Wars Story" trailer actually looks pretty good (tags: StarWars trailer ) An introduction to cat behaviour for dog owners (tags: cats dogs behaviour ) I simply don't believe that security on the iPhone works this badly. I assume it's a hoax of some kind. (tags: security iphone apple wtf ) Content aware scaled cats are delightfully odd (tags: cats photoshop weird ViaDrCross ) Fear mongering about cell phones and cancer (tags: phones cancer fraud OhForFucksSake ) The handwriting of Bowie, Cobain, Lennon and more are now downloadable typefaces Both cool and creepy
(tags: font music viaElfy ) Gut microbes are vulnerable to wide range of drugs (tags: microbiome drugs ) Does the “Article 50 Challenge” have any merit? (tags: uk europe law ) Myth busting: Why didn't the Skripals die on the spot? (tags: poison russia ) Why fat piles on when the body’s daily cycles are in disarray (tags: fat sleep time hormones stress ) Too many toys stifles toddler creativity (tags: toys creativity ) GTA 5 Is The Most Profitable Entertainment Title Of All Time, Over 90 Million Units Sold, $6Billion made (tags: money media games entertainment ) Bacteria found in the small intestines of mice and humans can travel to other organs and trigger an autoimmune response (tags: immune_system bacteria microbiome ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

bacteria, germany, fraud, faeces, advertising, phones, usa, hormones, games, socialmedia, emotion, fat, sleep, immune_system, stories, europe, starwars, apple, video, contraception, childbirth, banking, toys, money, community, privacy, review, music, stress, behaviour, security, fandom, law, font, emoji, creativity, microbiome, time, advice, poison, russia, trailer, viaelfy, weird, links, surveillance, drugs, history, birth, ohforfuckssake, technology, sexism, uk, media, photoshop, impressive, wtf, dogs, cancer, iphone, racism, breastfeeding, entertainment, viadrcross, cats

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